Yes. Most SleepSafe® Bed foundations can be converted to another choice, depending on the year they were manufactured. Older beds, prior to 2009, may not be able to be converted. We will be happy to assist you. Give us a call toll-free at 866-852-2337 for more information about SleepSafe® Bed conversions.
To convert any SleepSafe Bed foundation, you will need to purchase a Conversion Kit from SleepSafe® Beds. This kit will include a new foundation and side panels. You will use your existing mattress, casters, safety rails, head and foot boards. Insurance may or may not cover the additional cost of the conversion kit. It may be necessary to submit another letter of medical necessity justifying the change. You will need to make the purchase through your local DME provider of SleepSafe Beds.
Posted in: General